About the Film


William has been living as an American expat in South Korea since 2004. In 2015 he began pursuing a long held interest in scuba diving. This developed into a passion for removing underwater debris from the marine environment and snowballed into becoming the leader of the entire country for Project AWARE.

“Hae Shin” takes the viewer along with William for a start to finish look into unheralded work he does as a passionate marine conservationist. The film focuses on his efforts to remove debris from his adopted location, but also touches on the deeper subject of the personal motivations that drive him to continue on despite the personal cost, giving the audience a very personal look into his soul.

Technical Information:

Running Time: 41 minutes

Genre: Documentary

Country Of Production: South Korea

Years Of Production: 2019 – 2021

Production Company: RHK Media

Budget: 3,000,000 KRW

Shooting Format: 4K DCI

Exhibition Formats:  DCP / HD

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1

Frame Rate: 24

Color: Color

Audio Format: Stereo