First Film Festival! Lift-Off Sessions 2020 (Updated)


Thanks to the support of some fantastic friends and family, and the excellent work done by Dirctor/Producer Matt Root, I am super happy to report that our film WON our section at the June 2020 Lift-Off Sessions!

Our feature length film was placed in the feature documentary category with a total of 51 films combined. The first round as mentioned, was basically a voting round with the top 5 films with the most votes moved on to the second round. Although off to an early lead, our film ended up in 4th place.

Afterward our film and the other finalists were judged by a panel of professional film makers and critics for film quality, music, angles and all types of other aspects I personally have no idea about but are inportant to cinema. And in the end, Hae Shin was chosen as the winner! As the winner, our film won the right to be screened at a very official and formal festival help later this year at Pinewood Studios in the U.K.

Although this particular festival offers no awards or trophy, it is very satisfying to actually win at the very first festival to select and show our film! Cheers to Lift Off Sessions and our awesome director!


The film festival where our film is being shown goes live June 14th. It is 100% online, and the top 5 films with the most votes more on to the next round. Here voting process is a bit complicated however. It is being hosted on Vimeo. We have 2 films actually. The full version is 40 minutes, and also the “short” version is 25 minutes.

Each are in a different collection and up for different awards.What you have to do is rent the entire collection. The collection our 40 minute film is in contains 51 dramas or documentaries. It costs 10.00 to rent the entire collection for the week. For that, you have unlimited access to ALL of the 51 films. For the short version of our film, the rental cost is the same and there are 125 films for your viewing pleasure.To vote, you must leave a comment at the bottom stating the following: VOTED – Hae Shin.

But, you CANNOT only vote once. You must also vote on some other film. If you only vote for our film the vote will be cast out. Even if you don’t watch another film (but I encourage you to do so) you must vote on at least one other also. Following voting via comment on that film collection page, you will be directed to the actual festival website for a confirmation vote. PLEASE do not forget this step otherwise any votes will not count. Remember, the festival doesn’t go live until Sunday June 14th at 5pm EDT/6am Monday here in Korea, and run the entire week until the following Sunday.

PLEASE share far and wide and help us make this film a winner!

Feature Length Version (#15 on the list) –

Short Version ( #2 on the list) –

Film Preview – google-site-verification: google5cd06209ca3fac36.html

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